Posts Tagged ‘life’
06.12.2010 by Du

This is just a brief reminder, an exercise of presence. I don’t want to go into details, but explode in the core! It starts like this: Can you notice now that in fact you know very few things for absolutely sure? Ok. If you can, that’s very good. You can skip the next paragraph. If ...

30.10.2010 by BlackMary

This is a blog post that I wrote over 18 months ago for my own blog.  I’ve been thinking about this of late when I watch the birds fly south for the winter and witness the heights that my life has reached of late.  So I wanted to share it with you too, our dear ...

15.03.2010 by BlackMary

Anyone who is familiar with the works of Eckhardt Tolle will know this phrase well.  And it’s a phrase I find myself saying in countless situations.  But most especially of late as turbulance, tribulations and trials abound.  Anyone who knows me will, I am sure, not describe me as a fly-by-the-string-of-her-panties kind of gal.  Definitely ...

19.01.2010 by BlackMary

But strangely enough, the aspect that has improved my singing more than anything has not been practicing (although, without it, there would be nothing. Edison said 10% inspiration, 90% persperation and I totally agree!) nor has it been the boys, Baldo and others boosting my confidence and making me believe. No, it has been being ...

13.01.2010 by BlackMary

I am finding it increasingly fascinating how we as humans are interconnected. Not only with each other and with the world around us, but also within ourselves, like a mini ecosystem you might say. Not so much physically, as in the foot bone’s connected to the leg bone and such, but more, metaphysically. How circumstances ...

22.11.2009 by BlackMary

One of my favorite, if not my absolute favorite, solo pieces by Du is a composition called “Volvitur in rota“, which loosely translated means “the turning wheel”. Now, Du will correct me if I am wrong, but from what I gathered, the piece is inspired by an old woodcut illustrating a man caught between two ...

05.11.2009 by BlackMary

When I occasionally write Druyd’s status on our MySpace site, I often write a poem or a limerick or something somewhat silly and frivolous. But when I look at the mood category, there is a word that time and again comes to mind. However, it rarely fits with what I have written in our status ...