Posts Tagged ‘story’
13.01.2010 by BlackMary

I am finding it increasingly fascinating how we as humans are interconnected. Not only with each other and with the world around us, but also within ourselves, like a mini ecosystem you might say. Not so much physically, as in the foot bone’s connected to the leg bone and such, but more, metaphysically. How circumstances ...

01.01.2010 by Du

At first it was swimming of Mr Yr and me in vast sessions of detailistic playing which were long and very enjoyable, but irregular. It wasn’t until this year that we started to play regularly for a longer period of time and Miss BlackMary joined us. Now let me get back to the novice part ...

27.12.2009 by BlackMary

Fast track to August 2006. I visit my mum and friends in Australia, one of my dearest being Ross, an old mate from my uni days. I ask him to come over and as he is and always has been a prolific songwriter and great musician, I ask him to bring his guitar and sing ...

17.12.2009 by admin

In a world much, much bigger than ours and so different that everything is almost the same, one could hear silence and the roaring void. It was dark and comfortable as in Kosmos. We are more than most happy that Space Chistmas story, another creature from the wonderful world of fantastic beings, is brought to ...

01.12.2009 by BlackMary

Fast forward to about two to three years later, my parents finally taught me how to manipulate their record player and play records on it. As you may gather from their jobs, they weren’t intellectual people who listened to Bach or Beethoven or anything even slightly highbrow. But I at the time was more than ...

26.11.2009 by admin

Few days ago a friend send me a beautiful short movie. Since than it mysteriously disappeared from my laptop and from my inbox so I am beginning to think that it was a product of my imagination. However, here is how the story goes: Two man, the old one, in his 70’s, and the younger ...

09.11.2009 by admin

Few months ago I came in to Du’s and Danka’s apartment just to find them working on one of the didgeridoos. If (for some unknown reason) you don’t know Du is not only a virtuoso didge player. He is also a famous builder, so if you want a great didge….Anyway, as I said they were ...